Saturday, May 22, 2004

Thank you all for the wonderful prayers, and support. We have had such wonderful friends who bring us constant meals, entertainment, and just dwindle away the time with us. We have even had all but three of Josh's elementry school teachers come to visit! THANK YOU!

Josh is slowly recovering. Respirator is still in, and is a major prayer area. Please pray that his muscles recoup very soon, so that he can breathe on his own. Josh is awake a lot now, and we've been doing a little bit of muscle practices with him. He is going to need some physical therapy, though. His body has been through a lot, and his muscles took a hit. He is trying so hard, though. Of course, we all know that Josh is really good at exercising.

This skin thing from yesterday does seem to be an effect of everything put together. Basically, the chemo burned him from the inside out, and now his skin is peeling.

Strong muscles
Ventilator out
That the chemo still in his body can continue to fight the cancer.

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