Tuesday, August 17, 2004

Today was a scheduled chemo day, but it didn’t quite go as planned. First, I’ll tell you that last week Josh’s ileostomy started to work again (yea!), and that helps to greatly reduce vomiting (double yea!). The problem remains, however, that everything is diarrhea. This is expected because of the chemo, but it would be better if it were not so constant. Because of the amount of fluid Josh is losing through his ostomy, the oncologist decided to skip chemo this week (also his White Blood Cell count was low). He was scheduled to have a week-long break in chemo next week, but instead that will be this week. Hopefully this time off will allow his body to recuperate and be ready for the next doses.

Jake started pre-school last week. It took lots of effort on Gretchen’s part to get him to go, but he finally gave in. I think he’s getting more used to it, so hopefully it will actually start to be fun soon.

Crystal survived hurricane Charley from her hotel room in Orlando. She went on a trip with some friends, and luckily the hotel structure was strong. The worst they had to deal with was no electricity for a night.

A quick plug for myself: I’m currently looking for some part-time work. So, if you know anyone who might like to hire me, let me know. I’ll send over my resume! :)

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