Wednesday, March 03, 2004

Get ready to climb!

…or, if you are cousin Michael, get ready to run up and down the stairs. We are all getting very excited about the Climb this Saturday. The T-shirts look great! I emailed most of you all of the pertinent information about the climb. I’m not sure that I got the info to everyone, so I will post it below.

"I am definitely going to bring the shirts on Saturday morning, but if you would like them before that, then we are going to have to figure something out. Let me know if you would like to make arrangements to get your shirt early. Remember, they are red with white writing (I'm sure you want to coordinate your outfits!!).

The plan for Saturday: Meet at Pima Community College West campus (2202 W Anklam Rd), the parking lot is on the SW side and I'm sure it will be quite obvious where everyone is. The walk begins at 8am, so plan to be there a little early to get your shirts (I'm going to get there around 7:15-7:20ish). I've been told there will be Krispy Kremes and I'm sure coffee. The walk is 3 miles up to the top of "A" Mountain. We are all supposed to meet at the top so that we can get a team picture, so please plan on that. Also, there should be food at the top. There will be free shuttles up to the top if you can't make it up there, and shuttles back down to get everyone to their cars. Everything should be completely done by Noon.
Hopefully you know what I look like, so you can find me. If not, just look for my shirt. The back design say's "Team GIANT" (I'm sure you will recognize it as the best shirt design there!!) :)
I think there will be people with water there, but I say bring a water bottle just in case.
OK, I think that covers everything. If not, email me."

Things are going ok with Josh. The chemo is very tough, so it makes him tired. This week he has a break from the chemo, and he will get another dose next Wednesday.

I wanted to say “thanks” to a few of you who notified me that you have donated blood. Michael (a regular donator), Marie, Jim and Marissa (even though Marissa had passed out the first time she donated), and Alice (who got 5 others in her office to donate with her). Thanks guys!

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