Thursday, July 01, 2004

another bump in the road

Days before heading home, things changed, as they always seem to do. We found out yesterday that Josh has a partial ileus. This means that his small intestine is partially blocked. This seems to be the reason that Josh has been experiencing lots of nausea and pain. So, last night Josh moved back over to Northwest hospital, this time to the 4th floor.

In order to relieve Josh’s pain and hopefully alleviate the problem, an NG (nasogastric) tube had to be placed. You may remember this tube from before it is a tube that passes from the nose into the stomach. Josh knows it as a little taste of hell. Fortunately, Josh was able to convince the doctor to have it done under sedation. The tube has already given Josh’s abdomen some relief, and hopefully it will continue to do so.

The hope now is that the NG tube will allow this blockage to work itself out so that his small intestine can get back to work. We’d like to get past this setback, and get Josh home.

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