Monday, June 07, 2004

A message from Gretchen...

Hi, this is Gretchen! I wanted to send a thank you to everyone that has helped us through these past 6 months and especially these last 4 weeks. Josh is amazing. He is doing very well, making huge improvements each day. Please continue to pray for physical strength and a great CT scan.

We could not thank all of you enough for your support. We are beside ourselves. We have seen a miracle before us, God hears your prayers. He has given us all strength for Josh and each other. I am humble and very grateful.

We have had wonderful nurses (like our friend Jim!) (and thanks to Pat for the long phone calls at any hour!) and amazing doctors. Thank you to The Fountains for being such wonderful and supportive co-workers!

Our true friends have brought us food; sat with us, prayed for us, bought bracelets…the list goes on! Our family cannot be left out. Thanks to my family who has taken time to visit (We love you Apple Pie!!) and help. Thanks to my wonderful mother who has taught me strength, who stays with my children, and helps me through each day. Thanks to my sisters who make bracelets to help with our bills, who put themselves where they are needed and Marisa, this website is awesome. Connie and Ernie, thanks for Josh. You have been wonderful parents. I love you both! Connie, thanks for spending so many nights in a chair so I can feel OK about going home to the kids.

This is the hardest time of our lives, but I am so filled with love! Thanks so MUCH! We are so blessed to have all of you in out lives!

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