Thursday, September 02, 2004


As if Josh hasn’t had to overcome enough in this ongoing battle, another obstacle has been thrown his way. We found out the other day that Josh has DVT or Deep Vein Thrombosis (blood clots in the leg). These are in his right leg, one in his thigh, one in his calf and a third clot in the leg that is not in a deep vein. Click the DVT link if you would like to read more detail about the risks of DVT. Now Josh needs an injection each day of an anti-coagulant along with taking the blood thinner coumadin. For now, Josh remains lying down (still at home) in order to avoid knocking any of these clots loose. Please pray that they pose no further problems.

I know this is a long way off, but I want to remind you all about the Climb to Conquer Cancer. Many of you were there when we conquered “A” mountain this year, and we hope next year will be even better! I am on the planning committee this year, and I hope to make it another wonderful experience. I know the $40 registration fee is a lot of money, and that is why I am reminding you now. The climb will take place on the morning of Saturday March 12, 2005. We need to have our team registration for Team Giant turned in the first week of February. That is why I’m setting a goal for you all to have the $40 by Feb 1st. To break it down, try to put aside $0.27 a day (beginning today) OR $1.89 a week OR $8 a month. If you do this you will have the full registration fee! Team Giant is a crucial part of Josh’s battle, and we look forward to having a GIANT team next March!! I’ll give you more details as the date nears.

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