Sunday, September 19, 2004

Good news and bad news

Good news first: Josh is off of the ventilator. They drained 1.5 liters of fluid out of the pleural sack surrounding the left lung. He was breathing better already and, as you can imagine, he was able to breathe a bit easier after all of that fluid was drained.

Bad news: We got the biopsy on the fluid. There is cancer present. I really can't go into further detail, because I really don't know it. I'm not quites sure where the fluid is coming from, but it is expected to come back. There are procedures to prevent this, and that will be looked into. Also, the right lung now needs to be drained.

Overall it is a very strange situation. We've got the "bad news" and then you look at Josh, and he looks so good (all things considered). He's been playing video games and watching football. Now that the tube is out he is doing some talking.

Thanks for the prayers, keep them up!

Also: "Happy Birthdays" go out to Bobbi (yesterday) and my dad (today)!

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